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Optical Coherence Tomography

OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) scanning is available at Vision West

Following an eye examination your optometrist may recommend an OCT scan where more detailed information about your eyes is required to form a diagnosis. The charge for this procedure is $85.00 and is not currently claimable from Medicare. Even when not required, if you would like your Optometrists to include an OCT scan as part of your regular eye examination, please feel free to ask.

OCT scans provide your optometrist with a detailed layered view of your retina (the light-sensitive tissue that lines the inner surface of the eye). The information provided in an OCT scan is advantageous for the early detection of a number of eye diseases including Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma.

My Health 1st Optometry Australia Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists College of Optometrists in Vision Development Orthokeratology Society of Oceania Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Good Vision for Life